What does research suggest as a best practice for how much time should be spent in initiating and planning activities for projects? Do you think that estimate is realistic? Why or why not?

Project management is a critical component of any business or organization. It requires careful planning, coordination, and execution to ensure project success. One of the most critical elements of project management is initiating and planning activities. This involves determining the scope of the project, defining the objectives, and developing a plan to achieve those objectives. However, determining how much time should be spent on initiating and planning activities can be a challenge (Atkinson, 2017). Research offers valuable insights into best practices for initiating and planning activities. But is the recommended amount of time realistic? In this blog post, we will explore what research suggests as a best practice for how much time should be spent initiating and planning activities for projects. We will also examine whether the estimate is realistic and the factors that may impact that estimate.

According to Babu & Suresh (2018), allocating 15-20% of project time to initiating and planning activities can significantly benefit project outcomes. Initiating a project and conducting thorough planning are critical to project success as they establish the foundation and roadmap for the rest of the project. While it may seem like a large chunk of time, investing heavily in preparation can ultimately save time and money in the long run. Carefully planning the project goals, requirements, timelines, and resources can prevent resource conflicts, delays, and miscommunications that can arise later in the project. However, this estimated percentage can vary based on the complexity and size of the project (Babu & Suresh, 2018). Therefore, it is essential to assess the unique needs of a project before determining the appropriate allocation of initiating and planning time. Despite the potential increase in project duration, investing enough time in initiating and planning activities is critical to delivering a successful project outcome, meeting objectives, and exceeding stakeholder expectations.

According to Atkinson (2017), spending adequate time in initiating and planning activities for projects is a best practice that can positively impact project outcomes. This best practice is based on the idea that proper planning can help prevent problems and delays later in the project. The time spent in the initiating and planning phase contributes significantly to understanding the scope of the project, establishing goals, identifying risks, and determining the resources required to achieve the desired outcomes. This approach enables project managers and their teams to identify and address issues proactively, reduce the likelihood of project delays or failures, and enhance the overall quality of the project deliverables (Atkinson, 2017). While estimates for the duration of the initiating and planning phase can vary depending on the project scope and complexity, allocating sufficient time for planning activities can be a critical factor in project success. Therefore, considering the benefits of this best practice, it is realistic to devote adequate time to the initiating and planning activities for projects.
            Research Brown et al., (2007) that taking sufficient time in initiating and planning activities for projects is a best practice that could minimize the likelihood of missing opportunities and making mistakes. Rushing through the initiation and planning phase can lead to insufficient planning, which often leads to insufficient resources and poorly defined objectives, which ultimately leads to project failures. Similarly, inadequate preparation reduces the process, which causes individuals to miss key opportunities and deadlines. Based on this, it is advisable to take the necessary time to develop project initiation and planning phases thoroughly. While some people may feel that the estimate for the needed time is unrealistic, investing more time in the initial stages of the project sets up a solid foundation for successful completion (Brown et al., 2007). It is better to invest the time needed to make sure that the project is correctly started, planned, and executed efficiently rather than making a mistake or missing an opportunity due to a lack of proper planning.

Why do you think it’s difficult to understand some of the basic cost terms in this chapter?  Why aren’t many technical people interested in cost-related subjects? 

It is difficult to understand some of the basic cost terms in this chapter due to the complexity of the concept. Many of the terms and concepts are abstract and difficult to grasp. Additionally, cost-related subjects are often not seen as important by technical people, as they may feel their knowledge of the technical aspects of their work is more important than learning cost terms. Cost terms may be seen as too theoretical and not relevant to their current work. Furthermore, some technical people lack the business acumen required to understand cost-related topics.

On the other side, understanding cost terms is crucial for any business, as it allows for effective financial management and decision-making. However, it can be difficult to grasp these concepts, especially for those without a background in accounting or finance. The abstract and complex nature of cost-related subjects can be overwhelming, making it challenging to apply them in real-world situations (Drury, 2018). Technical professionals may also view these terms as secondary to their technical skills, leading to a lack of interest or motivation to learn them.

It is essential to recognize that cost-related topics are not only theoretical but also have practical implications for technical professionals. Understanding cost terms can help them identify cost-saving opportunities, evaluate project feasibility, and communicate effectively with financial departments. Moreover, having a basic understanding of cost concepts can enable technical professionals to make informed decisions that align with the company’s financial objectives.

Therefore, it is imperative to provide training and resources that can help technical professionals develop business acumen and understand cost-related topics. By doing so, companies can promote a collaborative culture that values both technical and financial expertise, leading to better outcomes for the business. In conclusion, the complexity of cost terms and the lack of business acumen may be some of the reasons why many technical people are not interested in cost-related subjects.


Drury, C. G. (2008). Management and Cost Accounting. In Springer eBooks. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-6828-9

Atkinson, R. (1999). Project management: cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, its time to accept other success criteria. International Journal of Project Management, 17(6), 337–342. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0263-7863(98)00069-6

Babu, A. J. G., & Suresh, N. (2018). Project management with time, cost, and quality considerations. European Journal of Operational Research, 88(2), 320–327. https://doi.org/10.1016/0377-2217(94)00202-9

Brown, A., Adams, J. D., & Amjad, A. A. (2007). The relationship between human capital and time performance in project management: A path analysis. International Journal of Project Management, 25(1), 77–89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2006.07.011

post 2023-07-29 05:08:04

List three major topics that need to be covered in an organization’s network management policy and strongly justify each.

Here are three major topics that should be covered in an organization’s network management policy,


  1. Security Management:

I believe, security management should be a top priority in any network management policy, because this topic covers measures which could be best implemented to protect the organization’s network and data against unauthorized access, as well as malicious attacks, and other cyber threats. Furthermore, strong security management policies should cover topics such as access control, encryption, firewall rules, intrusion detection and prevention,

Justification: The consequences of a data breach or cyber-attack can be catastrophic for an organization (Network Security: Policies and Guidelines for Effective Network Management From, n.d.). Also, by implementing strong security management policies, an organization can reduce the risk of a security breach and protect sensitive data.


  1. Network Monitoring and Performance Optimization:

Another crucial topic for a network management policy is a network monitoring and performance optimization because this topic covers measures which are implemented to ensure optimal network performance and identify issues before they impact network availability or performance. Further this can include monitoring network traffic, bandwidth utilization, server health, and other critical metrics.


Justification:  Organizations can avoid network downtime, improve employee productivity, and provide a better experience for customers and clients by monitoring network performance and proactively addressing issues (Kerner, 2022).


  1. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity:

Number three the best topic is A disaster recovery and business continuity because it is essential for any organization’s network management policy. As this topic covers measures that are implemented to ensure that the organization can quickly recover from a disaster or unexpected event and continue business operations (Pecb, n.d.). Also, it includes data backups, disaster recovery plans, and testing procedures.


Justification: A disaster or unexpected event can disrupt business operations and result in lost revenue, customers, and reputation. A disaster recovery and business continuity plan can help an organization to minimize the impact of a disaster and quickly resume normal operations, reducing the risk of significant financial and reputational damage.


Next, focus on two of the major concerns our management team could have reference Cloud deployment of critical infrastructure and data.  They are depending on you for stout advice!



Here are two major concerns that management teams could have when it comes to Cloud deployment of critical infrastructure and data, along with some advice to address these concerns:


  1. Security of Cloud Infrastructure and Data:

One major concern that management teams should have with Cloud deployment is the security of critical infrastructure and data.  More, storing sensitive data and hosting critical applications on third-party Cloud servers can be a cause for concern, as the organization has to rely on the Cloud provider’s security measures to keep their data and infrastructure safe.


Advice: if we look to address this concern, it is essential to conduct a thorough review of the Cloud provider’s security policies and ensure that the provider follows industry-standard security practices. Additionally, implementing multi-factor authentication, encryption, and network segmentation, can further improve the security of data and infrastructure hosted on Cloud servers (12 Risks, Threats, & Vulnerabilities in Moving to the Cloud, 2018).

  1. Data Privacy and Compliance:

another major concern that that is noticeable which management teams may have with Cloud deployment is data privacy and compliance. Depending on the industry and geographic location, organizations may be required to comply with various regulations related to data privacy, such as GDPR or HIPAA. Additionally, hosting data on third-party servers may raise concerns about data sovereignty and control.


Advice:  we can address this concern, by carefully review and select a Cloud provider that complies with the relevant regulations and standards. Furthermore, organizations should also ensure that they have appropriate contracts and agreements in place that clearly outline the responsibilities and liabilities of both the organization and the Cloud provider. It is also recommended to regularly monitor and review compliance requirements to ensure that the organization is meeting its obligations.













Network Security: Policies and Guidelines for Effective Network  Management from. (n.d.). http://ljs.academicdirect.org/A13/007_021.htm

Kerner, S. M. (2022). network management. Networking. https://www.techtarget.com/searchnetworking/definition/network-management

Pecb. (n.d.). Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. https://pecb.com/article/business-continuity-and-disaster-recovery

12 Risks, Threats, & Vulnerabilities in Moving to the Cloud. (2018, March 5). SEI Blog. https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/blog/12-risks-threats-vulnerabilities-in-moving-to-the-cloud/


2023-08-04 06:26:45

Are strategies such as signing bonuses, tuition reimbursement, and business casual dress codes standard for the new technology workers? What strategies appeal most to you?

Research recruiting and retention strategies at three different companies. What distinguishes one company from another in this area? Are strategies such as signing bonuses, tuition reimbursement, and business casual dress codes standard for the new technology workers? What strategies appeal most to you?

Recruiting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any company, especially in the technology industry where the competition for skilled workers is fierce. To attract and retain top talent, companies need to have effective recruiting and retention strategies in place. The first company we will look at is Google. Google is known for its innovative and creative work environment, which is one of the key factors that help to attract and retain top talent (Sprockets, 2022). In addition to offering competitive salaries and benefits, Google offers perks such as free meals, on-site fitness centers, and recreational activities. Google also offers tuition reimbursement to its employees, which helps to encourage continuous learning and development. Google’s retention strategy also includes offering opportunities for career advancement and employee empowerment.

The second company we will look at is Amazon. Amazon is known for its fast-paced work environment and focus on customer satisfaction. Amazon’s recruiting strategy focuses on identifying and attracting top talent from diverse backgrounds. Amazon offers signing bonuses, competitive salaries, and a comprehensive benefits package to its employees (10 Companies with Strong Employee Retention Strategies You Can Learn From, n.d.). Additionally, Amazon has a program called “Career Choice,” which provides tuition reimbursement to its employees who want to pursue careers outside of Amazon. Amazon’s retention strategy includes offering opportunities for career advancement and a focus on work-life balance.

The third company we will look at is Apple. Apple is known for its focus on innovation and design. Apple’s recruiting strategy includes identifying and attracting top talent from diverse backgrounds. Apple offers a competitive salary and benefits package, as well as employee discounts on Apple products. Apple also has a program called “Apple University,” which provides employees with training and development opportunities to help them advance in their careers. Apple’s retention strategy includes offering opportunities for career advancement and a focus on work-life balance.

One of the key factors that distinguish one company from another in this area is the company culture. Google, for example, is known for its innovative and creative work environment, which is a key factor in attracting and retaining top talent (Sprockets, 2022). Amazon, on the other hand, is known for its fast-paced work environment and focus on customer satisfaction. Apple is known for its focus on innovation and design. Each company’s culture attracts a different type of worker, and the companies’ recruiting and retention strategies reflect this.

Another factor that distinguishes one company from another is the benefits and perks they offer. All three companies offer competitive salaries and benefits packages, but they also offer unique perks and benefits that set them apart. Google offers free meals and recreational activities, Amazon offers a program called “Career Choice,” which provides tuition reimbursement to its employees who want to pursue careers outside of Amazon, and Apple offers employee discounts on Apple products and a training and development program called “Apple University.”

Finally, strategies such as signing bonuses, tuition reimbursement, and business casual dress codes are standard for new technology workers, but they are not the only strategies that appeal to workers (Employee Handbook, United States Based Employees, n.d.). In today’s work environment, workers are looking for companies that offer a work-life balance, opportunities for career advancement, and a sense of purpose. Companies that can provide these things in addition to competitive salaries and benefits packages will have a better chance of attracting and retaining top talent.

In conclusion, recruiting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any company, especially in the technology industry. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple have effective recruiting and retention strategies in place that focus on attracting and retaining top talent. Factors such as company culture and unique perks and benefits set these companies apart from one another. Strategies such as signing bonuses and tuition reimbursement are standard for new technology workers, but companies that can provide a work-life balance, opportunities for career advancement, and a sense of purpose will have a better chance of attracting and retaining top.





Part 2:

  1. Many of the technical staff on the project come in from 9:30am to 10:00am while the business users always come in before 9:00am. The business users have been making comments. The project manager wants to have the technical people come in by 9:00 am, although many of them leave late.
  2. Your company is bidding on a project for the entertainment industry. You know that you need new ideas on how to put together the proposal and communicate your approach in a way that will impress the customer.
  3. Your business has been growing successfully, but you are becoming inundated  with phone calls and e-mails asking similar types of questions.
  4. You need to make a general announcement to a large group of people and want to make sure they get the information.



In scenario “a,” if the technical personnel can arrive on time, a meeting would be the best medium for communication. This allows the technical personnel and business users to discuss the project face-to-face, leading to better understanding between both parties. The technical personnel can provide immediate responses to users’ questions and better understand their requirements. This will aid in developing the project effectively. Therefore, the project manager should make every effort to ensure the technical personnel arrive on time. However, if the technical personnel cannot make it on time, a phone call would be the next best option. Although not as effective as a meeting, it still allows for the exchange of information between the technical personnel and business users. When business users arrive, the project manager should try to answer their questions to the best of their ability. If the project manager cannot answer the questions, they should record the users’ questions and requirements. Once the technical personnel arrive, they should call the users and address their questions or change the system to meet their requirements.

In scenario “b,” a meeting would be the most appropriate medium to use. In this scenario, the project manager needs new ideas or suggestions. Brainstorming is the best way to gather these ideas, and it requires the input of many people. Therefore, a meeting would be the most appropriate medium to use.

In scenario “c,” a website would be the most appropriate medium to use. Since the phone calls and emails are asking similar types of questions, their answers should also be similar. By using a website to publish answers to these frequently asked questions, users or customers can easily find the answers they need without contacting the project manager. This will save the project manager’s time and energy.

In scenario “d,” email would be the most appropriate medium to use. Since the project manager needs to make a general announcement to a large group of people, sending group emails is the easiest way to do it. The project manager can use email receipts to confirm that all recipients received the information.





Sprockets. (2022). 5 Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Multi-Location Businesses. Sprockets. https://sprockets.ai/recruitment-and-retention-strategies

10 Companies with Strong Employee Retention Strategies You Can Learn From. (n.d.). TINYpulse. https://www.tinypulse.com/blog/employee-retention-examples

Employee Handbook, United States Based Employees. (n.d.). New York Tech. https://www.nyit.edu/policies/collection/employee_handbook_united_states_based_employees.

2023-08-04 06:29:57

Do you think that people accept poor quality in information technology projects and products in exchange for faster innovation? What other reasons might there be for such poor quality

There is no doubt that the fast pace of innovation in the field of information technology has led to a certain level of acceptance of poor quality in technology projects and products. However, it is important to note that this is not the only reason for poor quality in IT. One major reason for poor quality in IT is the pressure to release products and projects quickly in order to meet market demands. This pressure can result in rushed development cycles and insufficient testing, which can lead to bugs and errors in the final product (Radeka, 2023). This can be compounded by a lack of proper planning and project management, which can result in misaligned expectations and scope creep.

Another reason for poor quality in IT is the inherent complexity of modern technology. With so many components and dependencies involved, it can be difficult to ensure that every aspect of a product or project is functioning as intended. This can be especially true in large-scale projects with multiple stakeholders and complex interdependencies.

Additionally, the desire to cut costs can sometimes lead to compromises in quality. For example, outsourcing development to lower-cost countries may result in lower quality work due to language and cultural barriers, as well as differences in development practices and standards. Similarly, using off-the-shelf software components instead of developing custom solutions may result in a lower-quality product that doesn’t fully meet the needs of the end user.

Another factor that can contribute to poor quality in IT is the lack of emphasis on quality throughout the development process. In some cases, developers may prioritize features and functionality over quality, assuming that bugs and errors can be fixed later. This can result in a product that is functional but not necessarily reliable or secure.

Finally, it is important to note that user expectations can also play a role in the acceptance of poor quality in IT suggested Radeka (2023). As users become more accustomed to rapid innovation and frequent updates, they may be more forgiving of bugs and errors as long as they are quickly addressed. This can create a cycle where developers are incentivized to prioritize speed over quality.

In conclusion, while the pressure to innovate quickly can contribute to poor quality in IT, it is important to recognize that there are many other factors at play. These include the inherent complexity of technology, the desire to cut costs, the lack of emphasis on quality throughout the development process, and user expectations. To improve the quality of IT products and projects, it is important to address these underlying factors and prioritize quality throughout the entire development lifecycle.


Radeka, K. (2023). Faster Innovation — Fewer Failures: The promise of Rapid Learning Cycles. High Velocity Innovation. https://knowledge.rapidlearningcycles.com/faster-innovation-fewer-failures-the-promise-of-rapid-learning-cycles/

Do you think that people accept poor quality in information technology projects and products in exchange for faster innovation? What other reasons might there be for such poor quality

There is no doubt that the fast pace of innovation in the field of information technology has led to a certain level of acceptance of poor quality in technology projects and products. However, it is important to note that this is not the only reason for poor quality in IT. One major reason for poor quality in IT is the pressure to release products and projects quickly in order to meet market demands. This pressure can result in rushed development cycles and insufficient testing, which can lead to bugs and errors in the final product (Radeka, 2023). This can be compounded by a lack of proper planning and project management, which can result in misaligned expectations and scope creep.

Another reason for poor quality in IT is the inherent complexity of modern technology. With so many components and dependencies involved, it can be difficult to ensure that every aspect of a product or project is functioning as intended. This can be especially true in large-scale projects with multiple stakeholders and complex interdependencies.

Additionally, the desire to cut costs can sometimes lead to compromises in quality. For example, outsourcing development to lower-cost countries may result in lower quality work due to language and cultural barriers, as well as differences in development practices and standards. Similarly, using off-the-shelf software components instead of developing custom solutions may result in a lower-quality product that doesn’t fully meet the needs of the end user.

Another factor that can contribute to poor quality in IT is the lack of emphasis on quality throughout the development process. In some cases, developers may prioritize features and functionality over quality, assuming that bugs and errors can be fixed later. This can result in a product that is functional but not necessarily reliable or secure.

Finally, it is important to note that user expectations can also play a role in the acceptance of poor quality in IT suggested Radeka (2023). As users become more accustomed to rapid innovation and frequent updates, they may be more forgiving of bugs and errors as long as they are quickly addressed. This can create a cycle where developers are incentivized to prioritize speed over quality.

In conclusion, while the pressure to innovate quickly can contribute to poor quality in IT, it is important to recognize that there are many other factors at play. These include the inherent complexity of technology, the desire to cut costs, the lack of emphasis on quality throughout the development process, and user expectations. To improve the quality of IT products and projects, it is important to address these underlying factors and prioritize quality throughout the entire development lifecycle.


Radeka, K. (2023). Faster Innovation — Fewer Failures: The promise of Rapid Learning Cycles. High Velocity Innovation. https://knowledge.rapidlearningcycles.com/faster-innovation-fewer-failures-the-promise-of-rapid-learning-cycles/

post 2023-08-05 06:33:06

Provide two significant issues with organizations relying on the internet for much of their work with customers.  Prepare a justification for each of these issues to provide to your boss with solid mitigations.

Issue 1: Security Risks

One significant issue with organizations relying on the internet is the increased security risks. There are numbers of research that proves, the internet is vulnerable to various security threats, such as hacking, phishing, and malware attacks, which can compromise an organization’s sensitive data and harm their customers’ privacy (What Are Web Threats?, 2023). These security breaches can cause reputational damage, legal implications, and financial losses for the organization.

Mitigation: The organization can implement robust cybersecurity measures to mitigate these security risks. This can include using firewalls and intrusion detection systems encrypting sensitive data, providing employee training on cybersecurity best practices, and regularly monitoring and updating security protocols.

Issue 2: Dependence on Technology

Another significant issue with organizations relying on the internet for much of their work with customers is the dependence on technology. If there is a technology failure, such as a server outage or a network disruption, the organization may be unable to provide their services to their customers, resulting in a loss of revenue and reputation damage. Additionally, the organization may also face issues related to system compatibility, software updates, and equipment maintenance, which can further impact their ability to serve their customers.

Mitigation: To mitigate the dependence on technology, the organization can have contingency plans in place for technology failures, such as backup systems, redundancy protocols, and disaster recovery plans. They can also prioritize investing in reliable and scalable technology infrastructure, implementing regular maintenance schedules, and providing technical support to their customers to minimize the impact of any technological disruptions (Nair, 2022).

Should organizations use free VPNs for their business endeavors?  Why or why not?

While free VPNs may seem like a cost-effective solution, they can present several risks and limitations that can harm an organization’s operations and compromise their data. So, I suggest Organizations should not rely on free VPNs for their business endeavors. Here are few following reasons why.

  • Firstly, free VPNs are often offered by unknown providers, which can make them less trustworthy compared to established VPN services. These providers may be collecting and selling the organization’s data, putting their sensitive information at risk of being exposed to third parties. Free VPNs may also use weaker encryption methods, which can make the organization’s data vulnerable to hackers and cyberattacks.
  • Secondly, free VPNs typically have limited bandwidth and data usage, which can impact an organization’s ability to use the VPN for their daily operations (Aguilar, 2023). Organizations may need to frequently switch between free VPNs to maintain connectivity or invest in expensive data plans to accommodate their needs, which can be costly and time-consuming.
  • Lastly, free VPNs may not offer reliable technical support, which can be crucial in case of technical issues or system failures. Organizations may not have access to timely assistance, which can result in significant downtime and disruption to their operations.

In summary, while free VPNs may appear to be an appealing option for organizations seeking cost savings, the risks and limitations associated with these services make them unsuitable for business use. Organizations should consider investing in reliable and reputable VPN services that offer robust security, unlimited data usage, and reliable technical support to ensure the safety and efficiency of their operations.

For organizations that might be leery of using VPNs, what might a value-added VPN provider provide that would check the right boxes?

For organizations that are leery of using VPNs, a value-added VPN provider can offer several features that would address their concerns and provide a secure and reliable VPN service. Here are some of the value-added features that such a provider may offer:

Strong Security: A value-added VPN provider should offer strong encryption protocols to ensure the security of the organization’s data. They may also offer additional security features such as a kill switch, which automatically shuts off the internet connection if the VPN fails, preventing data leaks.

  • Dedicated Customer Support: A value-added VPN provider should offer dedicated customer support to address any issues that the organization may face. They should provide round-the-clock support and ensure that their customers have access to technical assistance whenever they need it.
  • High Performance: A value-added VPN provider should offer a high-performance VPN network that can handle the organization’s traffic demands. They should provide unlimited bandwidth and fast connection speeds to ensure that the VPN does not impact the organization’s operations negatively.
  • Multi-Platform Compatibility: A value-added VPN provider should offer multi-platform compatibility, which means that their VPN service should work on different operating systems and devices. This ensures that the organization can use the VPN on all its devices, regardless of the operating system.

In summary, a value-added VPN provider can offer a range of features that address an organization’s concerns and provide a secure and reliable VPN service. They should offer strong security, dedicated customer support, high performance, multi-platform compatibility, and a no-logging policy to ensure the safety and efficiency of the organization’s operations.


What are web threats? (2023, April 19). www.kaspersky.com. https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/threats/web

Nair, M. (2022). Is Society Too Dependent On Technology? 10 Shocking Facts. University of the People. https://www.uopeople.edu/blog/society-too-dependent-on-technology/

Aguilar, N. (2023, April 19). 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Using a Free VPN. CNET. https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/8-reasons-why-you-shouldnt-be-using-a-free-vpn/

Provide two significant issues with organizations relying on the internet for much of their work with customers.  Prepare a justification for each of these issues to provide to your boss with solid mitigations.

Issue 1: Security Risks

One significant issue with organizations relying on the internet is the increased security risks. There are numbers of research that proves, the internet is vulnerable to various security threats, such as hacking, phishing, and malware attacks, which can compromise an organization’s sensitive data and harm their customers’ privacy (What Are Web Threats?, 2023). These security breaches can cause reputational damage, legal implications, and financial losses for the organization.

Mitigation: The organization can implement robust cybersecurity measures to mitigate these security risks. This can include using firewalls and intrusion detection systems encrypting sensitive data, providing employee training on cybersecurity best practices, and regularly monitoring and updating security protocols.

Issue 2: Dependence on Technology

Another significant issue with organizations relying on the internet for much of their work with customers is the dependence on technology. If there is a technology failure, such as a server outage or a network disruption, the organization may be unable to provide their services to their customers, resulting in a loss of revenue and reputation damage. Additionally, the organization may also face issues related to system compatibility, software updates, and equipment maintenance, which can further impact their ability to serve their customers.

Mitigation: To mitigate the dependence on technology, the organization can have contingency plans in place for technology failures, such as backup systems, redundancy protocols, and disaster recovery plans. They can also prioritize investing in reliable and scalable technology infrastructure, implementing regular maintenance schedules, and providing technical support to their customers to minimize the impact of any technological disruptions (Nair, 2022).

Should organizations use free VPNs for their business endeavors?  Why or why not?

While free VPNs may seem like a cost-effective solution, they can present several risks and limitations that can harm an organization’s operations and compromise their data. So, I suggest Organizations should not rely on free VPNs for their business endeavors. Here are few following reasons why.

  • Firstly, free VPNs are often offered by unknown providers, which can make them less trustworthy compared to established VPN services. These providers may be collecting and selling the organization’s data, putting their sensitive information at risk of being exposed to third parties. Free VPNs may also use weaker encryption methods, which can make the organization’s data vulnerable to hackers and cyberattacks.
  • Secondly, free VPNs typically have limited bandwidth and data usage, which can impact an organization’s ability to use the VPN for their daily operations (Aguilar, 2023). Organizations may need to frequently switch between free VPNs to maintain connectivity or invest in expensive data plans to accommodate their needs, which can be costly and time-consuming.
  • Lastly, free VPNs may not offer reliable technical support, which can be crucial in case of technical issues or system failures. Organizations may not have access to timely assistance, which can result in significant downtime and disruption to their operations.

In summary, while free VPNs may appear to be an appealing option for organizations seeking cost savings, the risks and limitations associated with these services make them unsuitable for business use. Organizations should consider investing in reliable and reputable VPN services that offer robust security, unlimited data usage, and reliable technical support to ensure the safety and efficiency of their operations.

For organizations that might be leery of using VPNs, what might a value-added VPN provider provide that would check the right boxes?

For organizations that are leery of using VPNs, a value-added VPN provider can offer several features that would address their concerns and provide a secure and reliable VPN service. Here are some of the value-added features that such a provider may offer:

Strong Security: A value-added VPN provider should offer strong encryption protocols to ensure the security of the organization’s data. They may also offer additional security features such as a kill switch, which automatically shuts off the internet connection if the VPN fails, preventing data leaks.

  • Dedicated Customer Support: A value-added VPN provider should offer dedicated customer support to address any issues that the organization may face. They should provide round-the-clock support and ensure that their customers have access to technical assistance whenever they need it.
  • High Performance: A value-added VPN provider should offer a high-performance VPN network that can handle the organization’s traffic demands. They should provide unlimited bandwidth and fast connection speeds to ensure that the VPN does not impact the organization’s operations negatively.
  • Multi-Platform Compatibility: A value-added VPN provider should offer multi-platform compatibility, which means that their VPN service should work on different operating systems and devices. This ensures that the organization can use the VPN on all its devices, regardless of the operating system.

In summary, a value-added VPN provider can offer a range of features that address an organization’s concerns and provide a secure and reliable VPN service. They should offer strong security, dedicated customer support, high performance, multi-platform compatibility, and a no-logging policy to ensure the safety and efficiency of the organization’s operations.


What are web threats? (2023, April 19). www.kaspersky.com. https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/threats/web

Nair, M. (2022). Is Society Too Dependent On Technology? 10 Shocking Facts. University of the People. https://www.uopeople.edu/blog/society-too-dependent-on-technology/

Aguilar, N. (2023, April 19). 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Using a Free VPN. CNET. https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/8-reasons-why-you-shouldnt-be-using-a-free-vpn/

post 2023-08-06 06:36:54

Create a Pareto chart based on the following information. First create a spreadsheet in Excel, using the data. List the most frequent customer problems first. Use the Excel template called “Pareto chart”

Part 1

Part 2:

Research the criteria for the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award or a similar quality award provided by another quality organization. Investigate a company that has received this award. What steps did the company take to earn this quality award? What are the benefits of earning a quality award? Summarize your findings in a three page paper. Do not spend all of the paper giving the history of the award. Concentrate on your selected company or companies and answer the questions above.

Malcolm Bаldrige National Quality Award:

Established in 1987, the “Malcolm Bаldrige National Quality Award” is presented to companies that have demonstrated exceptional performance in their respective industries through effective quality management practices. The award originated in the United States and serves as a recognition of a company’s world-class standards in quality management. Named after the renowned US Secretary Malcolm Bаldrige, who advocated for quality management, this award is a testament to the importance of quality management in creating a competitive advantage for businesses.

Investigation and benefits of earning Malcolm Bаldrige National Quality award:

The legacy of Malcolm Baldridge endures as a champion of quality management principles. His namesake award recognizes businesses that excel in seven key areas of quality management, setting a standard of excellence for organizations to strive towards. The criteria for this prestigious accolade requires recipients to prioritize the delivery of ever-improving value to their customers while also promoting the sustained growth and development of their organization. By promoting a culture of continuous improvement, the Baldridge Award inspires organizations to achieve world-class levels of quality and performance.

The seven categories are explained below, which make up the award in certain criteria:

  1. Leadership:

The concept of leadership within an organization refers to the manner in which top management guides the company in fulfilling its responsibilities to the public and maintaining positive relationships with stakeholders.

  • Strategic Planning:

Strategic planning is a critical component of an organization’s success, as it defines the company’s overarching goals and objectives, and sets out the plan for achieving them.

  • Customer and Market Focus:

 Customer and market focus is an essential element of organizational success, as it involves the process of determining customer requirements and working towards meeting their expectations, building strong relationships with them, and remaining competitive in the market.

  • Information and Analysis:

The effective use of data and analysis is crucial to support organizational processes and improve performance. Information and analysis helps to create a foundation upon which organizations can make informed decisions.

  • Human Resource Focus:

Human resource focus is a critical aspect of an organization’s success, as it examines how the company is supporting its workforce to reach their full potential in alignment with the organization.

  • Process management:

Business results evaluation is a comprehensive examination of performance in key areas such as market standing, financial stability, human resources management, customer satisfaction, and competition. This analysis provides valuable insights for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

  • Business Results:

Assessing Business Results is a crucial aspect of evaluating a company’s overall performance. It entails analyzing several critical areas, including the company’s market performance, financial performance, human relations, customer satisfaction, and performance in comparison to competitors. By evaluating these key performance indicators, businesses can gain valuable insights into their strengths and areas that require improvement. This analysis helps businesses make informed decisions and take strategic actions to enhance their overall performance and achieve their desired outcomes.


An annual recognition program awards commendations in six distinct categories, including manufacturing, service companies, small businesses, education, healthcare, and non-profit organizations. Notably, in 2002, Motorola Inc. Commercial was presented with the esteemed Malcolm Bаldrige National Quality Award, a prestigious accolade for exceptional performance. In 2014, four outstanding US organizations were honored with this award. These included PricewaterhouseCoopers Public Sector Practice for service, Hill Country Memorial and St. David’s HealthCare for healthcare service, and Elevations Credit Union for non-profit contributions. All recipients excelled in all seven categories, striving to improve their strengths and overall performance. This award is a valuable tool for companies to self-assess and improve their performance, fostering stronger relationships among their employees and with the public, while practicing good citizenship.


What is the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)? | ASQ. (n.d.-b). https://asq.org/quality-resources/malcolm-baldrige-national-quality-award

post 2023-08-07 06:44:58

In this paper, we will explore how to estimate software development costs using both SLOC and Function Points


Estimating software development costs is a complex process that requires careful consideration of several factors, including the scope of the project, the resources required, and the technical specifications. When it comes to estimating software costs, there are many methods that developers and project managers can use to achieve accurate and reliable results. Two popular methods for estimating software development costs are SLOC and Function Points. In this blog post, we will investigate these two methods and explain how they work. SLOC, or Source Lines of Code, is an approach that is widely used in software development to measure the size of codebase. This method calculates the number of lines of code required to develop software, which can then be used to estimate its cost. Function Points, on the other hand, is an approach that measures the functionality offered by a software application. This approach considers the different types of input and output data that the software can handle. In this paper, we will explore how to estimate software development costs using both SLOC and Function Points


1. Estimating software development costs using SLOC (Source Lines of Code) involves counting the total number of lines of code in a software program and using that number to approximate the cost of development.

Estimating software development costs is a complex and critical process for software managers and developers. When it comes to estimating cost, two common approaches are Source Lines of Code (SLOC) and Function Points. The SLOC metric method involves counting the total number of lines of code in a software program and using that number to approximate the cost of development. This method has been in use since the early days of software engineering but has its drawbacks (Henderson & Logistics, 2018). One of the biggest flaws is that it considers all lines of code equally irrespective of whether they are complex or straightforward. As a result, it may underestimate the actual cost of development. Secondly, SLOC measures do not account for the level of effort required in coding, which can differ from project to project. These limitations paved the way for Function Points, which is a more tailored approach to estimating software development costs.

2. Estimating software development costs using function points involves counting the number of functions and features in a software program and using that number to approximate the cost of development.

Estimating software development costs is a crucial task for any software projects as it helps in predicting the cost of development, which is essential for budgeting and planning (Colin, 2023). There are two widely recognized methods for software cost estimation, including SLOC and function points. In using function points, the process involves counting the number of functions and features in a software program and using that number to approximate the cost of development (Henderson & Logistics, 2018). The estimation is obtained through a formula that considers variables such as the number of inputs, outputs, files, inquiries, and external interfaces. Function point analysis is a cost estimation technique that is often used in Agile and Scrum development methodologies as it is more flexible and adaptable than other cost estimation techniques.


In conclusion, estimating software development costs can be a complex process, but two popular approaches for doing so are SLOC and function points. SLOC involves counting the lines of code, while function points focus on the software’s features and complexity. Both approaches require careful planning, accurate measurement, and consideration for various factors that could influence the final cost. However, using these methods can help project managers and developers better understand the resources and budget needed to complete a software development project successfully.


Henderson, G. S., & Logistics, A. F. I. O. T. W. a. O. S. O. S. A. (2018). The Application of Function Points to Predict Source Lines of Code for Software Development. In DTIC. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA258447

Colin. (2023). Function points – comparison. ScopeMaster. https://www.scopemaster.com/blog/function-points/

post 2023-08-08 06:50:02

List three major responsibilities of Network Managers and state why each is essential to the overall health of an organization’s IT infrastructure.

Three major responsibilities of Network Managers are:

First responsibility is Network Planning and Design:

  • Network Managers are responsible for planning and designing the organization’s IT infrastructure. They should ensure that the network architecture is scalable, secure, and able to meet the organization’s current and future needs. According to Roush, proper network planning and design are essential to ensure the efficient and effective use of the organization’s IT resources, which can reduce downtime and increase productivity.

The second responsibility is Network Security:

  • Network Managers must ensure that the organizations IT infrastructure is secure and protected from unauthorized access, viruses, and other cyber threats. Further, they should implement security measures such as firewalls, encryption and access controls to protect the network and data. I believe A secure network is essential to protect sensitive information and prevent data breaches, that can be costly and damaging to an organization’s reputation.

The number this is Network Monitoring and Maintenance:

  • Network Managers are responsible for monitoring the network for issues and proactively identifying and resolving problems. They must perform regular maintenance activities such as software updates, backups, and hardware repairs to ensure the network is running at optimal performance (PCS, n.d.). Proper network monitoring and maintenance are essential to minimize downtime and ensure the network is available when needed.

Overall, the Network Manager’s role is essential in ensuring the organization’s IT infrastructure is secure, reliable, and able to support the organization’s goals and objectives. Proper planning, security, monitoring, and maintenance of the network are critical to the overall health and success of an organization’s IT infrastructure.

Select two network management tools.  Explain what each does and state why they are important to the overall health of an organization’s IT infrastructure.

Two network management tools that are commonly used are:

1. Network Monitoring Software: Network monitoring software is used to monitor the performance and availability of a network. It provides real-time information about network health, including metrics such as network latency bandwidth usage, and packet loss. Also, it is important to the overall health of an organization’s IT infrastructure because it allows network managers to identify and resolve issues before they become major problems. We see that with real-time monitoring, network managers can detect performance issues and respond quickly to minimize the impact on end-users.

2. Network Configuration Management Software: Network configuration management software is used to automate the process of configuring network devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls. In the process, it provides a centralized repository for network configuration data and allows network managers to manage changes to network devices in a controlled and consistent manner (Top 10 Network Management and Monitoring Tools in 2022 – Spiceworks, 2022). So, I believe Network configuration management software are important to the overall health of an organization’s IT infrastructure because it helps ensure that network devices are configured correctly and consistently. Further, this reduces the risk of configuration errors that can lead to network downtime or security breaches.

Overall, both network monitoring software and network configuration management software are important tools for network managers to maintain the health and security of an organization’s IT infrastructure. Network monitoring software provides real-time insights into network performance, while network configuration management software helps ensure that network devices are configured correctly and consistently. Together, these tools allows network managers to proactively manage the network, identify and resolve issues quickly, and maintain a stable and secure network environment.


Roush, J. (n.d.). The IT Infrastructure Manager: Roles & Responsibilities. BMC Blogs. https://www.bmc.com/blogs/infrastructure-manager-roles-responsibilities/

PCS. (n.d.). Infrastructure, Network, and Server Management. https://www.helpmepcs.com/server-network-management

Top 10 Network Management and Monitoring Tools in 2022 – Spiceworks. (2022). Spiceworks. https://www.spiceworks.com/tech/networking/articles/best-network-monitoring-tools/

post 2023-08-09 15:00:58



In the business world, networking products have become a crucial component of business operations. It does not matter whether it is connecting devices within an organization or enabling communication across the globe, but the factually, networking products have become the backbone of modern-day communication. There is huge importance of networking products to maintaining communication and collaboration between employees, departments, and even entire organizations. Further, it allows businesses to share resources, store data and applications in the cloud, and access information from anywhere at any time (What Is a Computer Network? Definition, Objectives, Components, Types, and Best Practices – Spiceworks, 2022). Infect, it is true to say that without networking products, many business operations would come to a halt and impossible to run. This paper identifies four networking product companies and describe at least two of their products/services, while also highlighting one related to network security.


1. Cisco Systems

The first company discuss in this paper is Cisco Systems, which was established in 1984. It is considered a well-known leader in the field of enterprise networking as well as communication solutions.  One of Cisco’s strengths is their ability to innovate and adapt to market trends as with the passage of time they consistently develop new products, solutions, and services to meet the ever-evolving challenges faced by businesses in the connected world. Apart from innovate and adaptation, their customer-centric approach ensures that they are meeting the needs of their clients and providing them with the necessary tools to operate their critical business applications smoothly, efficiently, and securely (Lewis, 2023). While, it is normal to face challenges that come with staying ahead in the industry, however, Cisco has a proven track record of success and is well-positioned to remain a leader in enterprise networking and communication solutions. There is extensive product range of Cisco includes network security products, such as firewalls, as well as switches and routers, to cloud-based services. Further, their security solutions include firewall appliances, virtual firewalls, and cloud-based security services. its business networking solutions, such as their switches and routers, help their customers connect and secure their networks across various locations (Lewis, 2023). Their cloud-based services enable their customers to operate their critical business applications smoothly, efficiently and securely. Cisco is recognized for their ability to innovate and adapt to market trends; they continue to develop new products, solutions and services to keep up with the evolving challenges faced by businesses in the connected world.

2. Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks was Founded in 1996, and now considered a leader in providing high-performance networking products and services. in the list of their products, it includes routers and switches, network security solutions, and cloud-based services. Juniper’s routers and switches are designed to enhance network infrastructure, increase operational efficiency, and improve end-user experience (Juniper Networks, 2018). In terms of network security, their Junos Security platform offers a range of solutions such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and threat intelligence services to ensure secure network connectivity. Juniper’s cloud-based services incorporate a wide range of features such as virtual routing, switching, and security that enable service providers and enterprises to build secure, scalable, and efficient networks. With a global presence in over 100 countries, Juniper Networks is a reliable choice for businesses seeking advanced networking solutions.

3. Arista Networks:

Arista Networks was founded in 2004 which has headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Over the years and years, this company has become a renowned name in the networking industry. Their specialties lie in building scalable, high-performance networks and offer a range of products and services. meanwhile, their ethernet switches are widely used in data centers and provide high bandwidth connectivity with low latency (Arista Networks, 2023). Furthermore, they offer offers cloud-based services, including cloud networking to improve public and private cloud connectivity. Their network and server monitoring solutions enable network engineers and administrators to easily monitor, manage and troubleshoot their network infrastructure (Arista Networks, 2023). Additionally, in their network security solutions, includes secure access and continuous threat detection.  On the other side, one of the reasons why Arista Networks has become such a trusted brand among enterprise-level organizations is because of its industry-wide recognition for innovative networking solutions. Comparatively, their products are known for their high-performance capabilities, low latency, and streamlined management tools. This, in turn, it helps businesses reduce operational costs while improving network performance.

With cutting-edge solutions like CloudVision, Arista is leading the way in cloud networking technology, making it an ideal partner for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve.
4. SonicWall:

SonicWall is a reputable company that specializes in delivering network security solutions for companies and enterprises. Their products are designed to meet the complex and diverse security needs of businesses of all sizes. The company provides various network security solutions such as firewall, secure remote access solutions, and Unified Threat Management (UTM). Their firewall product is one of the most popular in the market due to its high performance and enforcement capabilities. It is designed to protect against various types of cyber-attacks, including viruses, malware, spyware, and cyber threats. SonicWall’s UTM solutions are designed to provide end-to-end security, covering all layers of the network, including edge, content, and endpoint security. The company has been in business for more than 25 years and has a proven track record of delivering quality and reliable products that meet the security needs of businesses. Their products have been recognized by industry analysts and third-party testing labs for superior performance and security effectiveness.


In conclusion, networking products have revolutionized the way businesses operate in today’s world. They have become an essential component of communication and collaboration within and outside organizations. The three networking product companies highlighted in this paper – Cisco, Juniper Networks, and Aruba Networks – offer a wide range of products and services that enable businesses to connect, communicate, and share resources seamlessly. From network switches, routers, and access points to cloud-based services and network security solutions, these companies have made it possible for businesses to operate efficiently and securely. As technology continues to evolve, networking products will remain critical to the success of modern-day businesses.

In summary, the enterprise networking and communication solutions market is dominated by established players like Cisco Systems and Juniper Networks, while newer entrants like Arista Networks and SonicWall are carving out their own niche in the industry. With the increasing importance of network security for businesses of all sizes, the demand for products and services offered by these companies is only set to grow. As technology continues to evolve and new challenges emerge, it will be interesting to see how these companies adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the curve.


Arista Networks. (2023). Corporate Profile. Arista Networks. https://www.arista.com/en/company/company-overview

Fitzgerald, B. (2022, November 14). SonicWall Wins CRN’s 2022 Tech Innovator Award in Enterprise Network Security. SonicWall. https://blog.sonicwall.com/en-us/2022/11/sonicwall-wins-crns-2022-tech-innovator-award-in-enterprise-network-security/

Juniper Networks. (2018) Juniper Networks – Leader in AI Networking, Cloud, & Connected Security Solutions. https://www.juniper.net/

What Is a Computer Network? Definition, Objectives, Components, Types, and Best Practices – Spiceworks. (2022, February 10). Spiceworks. https://www.spiceworks.com/tech/networking/articles/what-is-a-computer-network/

Lewis, R. (2023, April 10). Cisco Systems | History & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Cisco-Systems-Inc

post 2023-08-10 15:01:07
Free Editable Wide Area Network Examples & Templates | EdrawMax

Network Design Proposal for an Organization with Three Locations


The final project is to design a network, with appropriate network security / network management, and WAN connectivity for the following situation:

Organization of 80 computer users in three locations (metropolitan areas in different states).

  • Ohio — two buildings (campus environment, about 100 yards apart):  30 computer users in the Buckeye Building (headquarters staff and support personnel) and 20 computer users in the Brutus Building (10 researchers / 5 support personnel / 5 techies maintaining primary web / database / file / DNS / application / mail / print / proxy servers).
  • Illinois —  one building (Illini Building), 15 computer users (5 management and support staff / 10 researchers with high throughput needs) in a manufacturing environment with lots of EMI.
  • Indiana — one building (Hoosier Building), 15 computer users (10 researchers / 2 support personnel / 3 techies maintaining backup web / database / file / DNS / application / mail / print / proxy servers).
  • Introduction to the design and explanation of equipment and software used.
  • Overall high-level diagram of the entire network.
  • Diagrams for each location to include media used (wired / wireless).
  • Explanation of security / network management procedures.
  • Explanation of WAN services / connections / cloud proposal.

1.              Abstract

This paper presents a comprehensive network design proposal for an organization comprising three locations: Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana. The network design aims to meet the organization’s requirements for network security, network management, and WAN connectivity. The proposal includes recommendations for equipment and software High-level and location-specific network diagrams, security and network management procedures, WAN connectivity options, and a cloud proposal. The design emphasizes scalability, future expansion, and alignment with the organization’s needs.

2.              1. Introduction

The organization, with 80 computer users spread across Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, requires a robust network infrastructure to support its operations. In today’s interconnected world, network security, network management, and WAN connectivity play vital roles in ensuring smooth and secure communication. N-Able (2021) stated efficient network design is crucial to meeting the organization’s requirements and providing a reliable and secure platform for users to access data and services.

The establishment of network connectivity across a three-location range necessitates a Wide Area Network (WAN) that integrates a common control server and routers to facilitate the transmission of data between each location. A WAN is a computer network that spans multiple geographical areas, and it incorporate an array of smaller networks, including Local Area Networks (LANs) and Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) stated Breeding, M. (2019). The internet is a prime example of a global and diverse WAN networking system, with the key differentiation between LAN and WAN being scalability. A WAN can extend its reach to encompass numerous cities and countries within its topology.

There is required that each local station within this setup must have a local server that connects to the main server, which in turn links the entire network (N-Able, 2021). Also, the seamless integration of computers, and various information networks is crucial for the success of organizations of all sizes. As these tools facilitate the connection between people and support the smooth operation of numerous applications and services.

In designing the network, several key considerations must be taken into account. Scalability is a significant factor, as the organization aims to expand its operations in the future Breeding, M. (2019). Flexibility is essential to adapt to evolving technological advancements and changing business needs. Additionally, compliance with relevant regulations and industry best practices is crucial to protect sensitive data and ensure the organization’s integrity.

This final project requires designing a network with appropriate network security, network management, and WAN connectivity for an organization consisting of 80 computer users in three different locations. The metropolitan areas in different states include Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, each with unique requirements for their network infrastructure.

3.              Equipment and Software

To meet the organization’s requirements, the proposal recommends suitable network equipment and software. A robust network infrastructure requires the right mix of routers, switches, firewalls, servers, and other necessary devices. In selecting the equipment, factors such as performance, reliability, scalability, and compatibility with existing systems are considered DeCarlo (2023). For the organization’s headquarters and support personnel in the Buckeye Building, high-performance routers and switches are proposed to handle the increased network traffic. The servers in the Brutus Building, responsible for web, database, file, DNS, application, mail, print, and proxy services, require powerful and reliable hardware with redundancy measures to ensure uninterrupted service.

It is crucial to have a well-designed and properly implemented network infrastructure to ensure smooth and efficient communication and data transfer within an organization. The proposed network equipment and software have been carefully evaluated and selected based on various factors, including performance, reliability, scalability, and compatibility. For the headquarters and support personnel in the Buckeye Building, high-performance routers and switches are recommended to handle the increased network traffic. This will ensure that the network can handle a high volume of data transfer without slowing down or causing interruptions. On the other hand, the servers in the Brutus Building play a critical role in providing various services to the organization. As such, the proposal recommends powerful and reliable hardware with redundancy measures to ensure uninterrupted service of web, database, file, etc.

For the protection of the network from external threats and unauthorized access, this proposal includes advanced firewall solutions that provide robust security features. Additionally, network monitoring and management tools are recommended to ensure optimal performance, proactive troubleshooting, and efficient utilization of network resources.

4.               Overall High-Level Network Diagram

A high-level diagram is presented to illustrate the entire network architecture. This diagram provides an overview of the network’s layout and connectivity between the three locations. It includes the main components such as routers, switches, firewalls, and their relationships. The high-level diagram serves as a visual representation of the proposed network design, enabling stakeholders to understand the overall structure and flow of data.

The diagram highlights the connectivity between the Buckeye Building and the Brutus Building in Ohio, emphasizing the need for a reliable and high-bandwidth connection to support seamless communication and data transfer. It also showcases the connections between the Illinois-based Illini Building and the Indiana-based Hoosier Building, demonstrating the integration of all three locations into a unified network.

Free Editable Wide Area Network Examples & Templates | EdrawMax

5.              Location-Specific Diagrams

In this section, location-specific diagrams are provided for each of the three locations: Ohio (Buckeye Building and Brutus Building), Illinois (Illini Building), and Indiana (Hoosier Building). These diagrams offer a detailed view of the network layout and connectivity at each location, providing insights into the specific requirements and considerations unique to each site.

5.1 Ohio:

The Buckeye Building diagram showcase the network layout and connectivity for users. The diagram includes the placement of routers, switches, and firewalls, ensuring efficient data flow and security. The headquarters staff and support personnel are highlighted, along with their respective devices and workstations. Wired media, such as Ethernet cables are recommended for the Buckeye Building to ensure high-speed and reliable Connectivity.

Head Campus LAN Network Diagram

Wireless connectivity is recommended for the computer users in the Brutus Building, allowing for flexibility and mobility within the building premises. Access points strategically placed throughout the building ensure reliable wireless coverage, enabling seamless connectivity for researchers and support staff who require mobility within their workspaces.

5.2 Illinois:

The Illini Building diagram depicts the network layout and connectivity for the 15 computer users in a manufacturing environment with significant electromagnetic interference (EMI). Considering the challenges posed by EMI, shielded Ethernet cables are recommended to minimize signal degradation and ensure reliable communication.

The diagram highlights the placement of routers, switches, and firewalls to establish a secure and efficient network. The management and support staff are identified, along with their respective workstations and devices. to meet the high throughput needs of the researchers in the manufacturing environment, dedicated high-speed connections and network optimization techniques, such as Quality of Service (QoS),, are implemented to prioritize their data traffic.

5.3 Indiana

The Hoosier Building diagram showcases the network layout and connectivity for the 15 computer users. Similar to the other locations, routers, switches, and firewalls are strategically placed to ensure a secure and efficient network infrastructure The researchers, support personnel, and techies responsible for maintaining backup servers are highlighted, along with their workstations and devices.

Network Diagram | MyDraw

To optimize network performance and ensure reliable connectivity, a combination of wired and wireless media is recommended for the Hoosier Building. Ethernet cables provide fast and stable connections for critical operations, while wireless access points cater to the mobility requirements of the researchers and support staff.

The location-specific diagrams provide a detailed understanding of the network layout, connectivity, and specific considerations for each site, enabling stakeholders to visualize the proposed network design and its alignment with the organization’s requirements.

6.               Security and Network Management Procedures

To protect the organization’s network from external threats and ensure efficient network management, comprehensive security and network management procedures are proposed. These procedures are designed to safeguard the network infrastructure, data, and sensitive information while enabling effective monitoring and management of network resources.

To enhance network security, The proposal recommends the implementation of a multi-layered security approach. This includes the deployment of next-generation firewalls with intrusion prevention systems (IPS) and virtual private network (VPN) capabilities DeCarlo (2023). The firewalls are configured to enforce strict access controls and inspect network traffic for potential threats. VPN tunnels are established to provide secure remote access for authorized users.

Additionally, the use of encryption techniques, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and IPsec, is proposed to ensure the confidentiality, and integrity of data during transmission Breeding, M. (2019).. This protects sensitive information from unauthorized access or interception. Encryption is the process of encoding data in such a way that it is unreadable to anyone who does not have the appropriate decryption key. SSL and IPsec are two widely-used encryption protocols that provide secure communication over the internet.

SSL encrypts data at the application layer, while IPsec encrypts data at the network layer. Both protocols are highly reliable and effective at ensuring secure data transmission.

SSL is commonly implemented in web browsers and is used to secure online transactions, such as credit card payments and online banking. When a user enters sensitive information on a website secured with SSL, the information is encrypted before it is transmitted over the internet. This makes it virtually impossible for hackers to intercept and steal the information.

To effectively manage the network, Network management tools and processes are suggested. These tools enable real-time monitoring of network devices, traffic, and performance metrics. They also facilitate centralized configuration management, allowing administrators to efficiently control and update network settings across multiple locations.

Regular network audits and vulnerability assessments are recommended to identify and address any security vulnerabilities or weaknesses DeCarlo (2023). Incident response procedures are established to quickly respond to and mitigate any security incidents or breaches. User access controls and authentication mechanisms, such as two-factor authentication, are implemented to prevent unauthorized access to network resources.

7.              WAN Connectivity

Interconnecting the three locations requires a reliable and high-performance Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity solution. Several options are considered, such as Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), Virtual Private Network (VPN), and leased lines.

MPLS is recommended as it offers secure and scalable connectivity between geographically dispersed locations. It provides Quality of Service (QoS) capabilities to prioritize network traffic and ensure optimal performance for critical applications. MPLS also enables the organization to have centralized control over the network, simplifying network management and troubleshooting.

Alternatively, VPN tunnels over the public internet can be utilized, providing cost-effective connectivity while maintaining adequate security through encryption and authentication mechanisms Dhillon et al., (2023). This option is particularly suitable for organizations with budget constraints.

Leased lines, although more expensive, offer dedicated and reliable connectivity with guaranteed bandwidth. Leased lines ensure consistent data transmission and are suitable for organizations that require high-speed and reliable connections.

The choice of WAN connectivity depends on factors such as budget, Performance requirements, security, and scalability. A combination of MPLS and VPN tunnels can be employed, tailoring the solution to meet specific needs for each location.

8.               Cloud Proposal

As part of the network design, the feasibility of utilizing cloud services for specific applications or services is evaluated. The cloud offers numerous benefits, including scalability, cost-efficiency, and flexibility. Migrating certain services to the cloud can help optimize resource utilization and simplify management.

In the proposed design, specific applications or services that can benefit from cloud migration are identified. This includes non-critical applications, email services, document storage, and web hosting Dhillon et al., (2023). By leveraging cloud providers, the organization can offload the infrastructure management, ensuring high availability, and reducing the burden on internal IT resources.

However, it is crucial to consider potential drawbacks and risks associated with cloud adoption. These include data security concerns, data sovereignty, and dependency on external service providers. The proposal addresses these concerns by recommending comprehensive data encryption, data backup, and contractual agreements with cloud service providers to ensure data privacy and compliance with applicable regulations.

Integration with the network design is crucial to ensure seamless connectivity between the on-premises infrastructure and the cloud services. This involves establishing secure VPN connections, configuring appropriate network settings, and implementing identity and access management controls.

9.              Conclusion

In conclusion, this network design proposal addresses the organization’s requirements for network security, network management, and WAN connectivity across its three locations. The recommended equipment and software, along with the high-level and location-specific diagrams, provide a clear understanding, of the proposed network architecture.

The proposed security measures, including firewalls, encryption, access controls, and network management procedures, ensure the protection of network resources and sensitive information. WAN connectivity options, such as MPLS or VPN, enable efficient communication and data transfer between the locations.

Additionally, the cloud proposal, presents an opportunity to leverage cloud services for specific applications or services, enhancing scalability and reducing operational overhead.

The proposed network design emphasizes scalability, future expansion possibilities, and alignment with the organization’s requirements. It provides a robust and secure network infrastructure that can support the organization’s operations, facilitate collaboration, and enable seamless communication.

By implementing this network design, the organization can establish a reliable and efficient network infrastructure, ensuring secure data Transmission, optimized resource utilization, and streamlined network management. Overall, this comprehensive network design proposal aims to meet the organization’s current needs while providing a foundation for future growth and technological advancements.


N-Able. (2021). Network Planning and Design. N-able. https://www.n-able.com/blog/how-to-design-a-network

GeeksforGeeks. (2023). Types of area networks  LAN  MAN and WAN. GeeksforGeeks. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/types-of-area-networks-lan-man-and-wan/

Dhillon, H. S., Huang, H., & Viswanathan, H. (201).8 Wide-area Wireless Communication Challenges for the Internet of Things. arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.03242

Habte, F. (2022, April 25). What is Network Security? The Different Types of Protections. Check Point Software. https://www.checkpoint.com/cyber-hub/network-security/what-is-network-security/

Breeding, M. (2019). Designing and building the best small office network from the ground up. Library Technology Guides. https://librarytechnology.org/document/1236

post 2023-08-12 15:03:50