Richard Wright’s “The Ethics of Jim Crow”: Trials and Tribulations of African Americans in the Jim Crow South

I. Introduction
Life was horrible for African Americans in the South, before the Civil Rights Movement, as discussed in this document. Blacks were unable to fight back against white aggression. They were unable to improve their job skills to equal whites. They were arbitrary, brutally, and technically illegally punished for crimes whites accused them of. White demanded constant affirmation of their superiority, by the way blacks spoke to whites. However, in the larger cities, racial discrimination was somewhat less violent.
II. Violence against blacks
1. Fight with young white boys
a. what happened?
b. what was the result?
c. what did he learn from his mother’s reaction?
2. Beating black woman who couldn’t pay
a. what was the incident?
b. What were the consequences to the woman?
c. How did Wright react? Why did he react this way?
III. Language and racial discrimination
1. Drunken white men and offering him a ride
a. what was the incident?
b. How did Wright react? Why did he react this way?
2. Working in optical shop
a. what was the incident?
IV. Work and racial discrimination
1. In the optical shop episode, what were the white workers afraid of, that made them so insistent upon Wright’s subordination to them?
V. Location and racism
1. How did life in Memphis differ from life in small towns?
a. what event in the document proves what you just claimed?
b. Discuss any other events that proves your point about life in larger cities compared to small towns
VI. Conclusion
1. In what ways did blacks suffer in the Jim Crow South
a. How did whites use violence against them?
b. How did white use language to reinforce their superiority
c. How did whites prevent blacks from achieving economic equality
2. How did type of community affect white behavior against blacks?
a. Why was it slightly less bad in large cities than in small towns?

post 2022-10-22 03:05:16
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