Reflection Paper: Leadership Next, Mary Barra CEO General Motors



It is the responsibility of an entrepreneur to think differently in order to be successful, but without ignoring the high risk of being wrong. Here you have to Zachary; you have to think differently; you have to be confident. This is how Mary Barra is one of the world’s most popular executives at General Motors. Barra believes, that if someone is going to be an entrepreneur, it means s/he is going to do something that he loves the most, as might there be some dark days. This reflection paper discusses the Leadership Next, Mary Barra CEO General Motors


Marry Barra represents a new style of leading. This podcast starts with Ellen (an interviewer for the podcast) asking Marry Barra about her strong public statement over the George Floyd killing. She speaks in words emanating from the heart that she personally felt very sad about all and felt the need for action, and needed to do more, with a sense of urgency.”

Statics stated that it was the emerging and difficult time for the AusIndustry when Marry Bara became CEO of the general motor was considered that Marry will face the no-win situation, or what we call in professional term the ‘glass cliff’, but she proved all supposed wrong and claimed herself a fixture on ForFortune’d counted her name in the list of the Most Powerful Women in the business world as a great leader. She earned $21.9 million in 2018 by investing in electric vehicle rideshare services (Maven), and self-driving care since 2014.

The second half of the podcast consists of Colvin’s praise words for Marry. I agree with his words, as according to him the change she has formed in the GM’s culture is astonishing, and we can portray her as a valuable example for any leader who is looking for good luck in their company. She expresses her view that a leader should be a good listener and instead of directly singing or disagreeing with he/his team, she should channel everyone’s energy to make some fairly obvious decisions.

Contemplation from the podcast

She keeps it honest and keeps it simple: The thing I like most is her remarkably honest being with GM staff.  She always has had only one mission “No crappier car “towards all engineers and designers. Honesty is really the best policy in any deal and plays a critical role in organizations’ short-term and long-term success. I like the idea of Mary that considers trust as the most important strategy that creates interaction between managers and employees.

She always makes it about the company and the customer: Barra was focused on her present with all her attention and her full success was directly related to GM. As she said, “My all effort is always about winning customers one at a time.” That’s factual, for a CEO, it’s obligatory to work by heart.
She uses kinetic energy to mobilize people: She is smart enough to mobilize people with the use of kinetic energy. She never disagrees with the team, but the team lets them by their own obvious decisions so that they become fully responsible and accountable for their deeds.


Marry is ride or die when it comes to General Motors as she started working for GM for the college tuition fees at the age of 18 and in 2014 Bara’s appointment as chief executive with a lifelong career. Good management is about providing resources to employees to accomplish their tasks and about the power of motivation to mobilize their employees. This is what Marry Bara has talked about in that particular podcast.
2022-08-10 13:47:19

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