Implementation of assertive technologies for dyslexic students in ABC school 


For the current research proposal, I will be examining the use of technological
intervention for kids with dyslexia in college. The intervention was recently implemented
which provided a great chance to review its application. The interventions include
certain assertive technologies. The intervention was implemented because it helps in
saving time and overcoming some of the issues the students with dyslexia might
encounter because of their condition (e.g., slow-paced note-taking and illegible
handwriting). As I came across various people with dyslexia and witnessed their
difficulties, thus I am interested in overviewing this intervention.

The school where the initiative is being implemented is in a small town. There are around six hundred pupils currently enrolled in the school. The intervention has been implemented because the number of dyslexic kids is higher in the school as compared to neighboring schools. The consultants in the school use assertive technologies with the help of the library staff and other teachers. The use of assertive technology is on a daily basis. 

Problem Statement 

Dyslexia is a rising issue around the world. According to the NHS, one in every ten people have some sort of dyslexia. The lack of awareness about the condition is alarming. Dyslexic learners face organizational issues of all sorts, such as “time management, difficulties with new words/word-finding/ pronunciation, difficulty dealing with abbreviations, and difficulty in writing faster – untidy or incoherent writing. They also face difficulty coping with new transport routes, new building layouts, unfamiliar paperwork” (Child, & Langford, 2011). These issues faced by the students affect their educational experience. They stay behind, and might face problems in taking tests as “dyslexia affect word recognition, spelling, and decoding, and may interfere with vocabulary building and reading comprehension, according to the National Centre for Learning Disabilities” (Loop, 2020). Providing the intervention makes the students self-sufficient to some extent. It is very crucial in the professional field, as the study by Morris, & Turnbull, (2006) concluded that “The clinical setting provides a challenging environment for nursing students with dyslexia, who find personalized ways to manage their disability” (Morris and Turnbull, 2006). ] 

Indicated literature. 

Following are the resources that will clarify the policies for the implementation of assertive technologies: 

  1. Policy brief: Access to assistive technology – WHO
  2. Assistive Technology Stakeholder report: Researchers -August 2020 – Department of Education UK These policies will help me in understanding the right way of assessing and implementing assertive technologies. It will also shed light on the extent of the implementation of the intervention. The implementation policy of the school will additionally help in understanding the direct impact of the intervention on the students. 

The following are some of the resources from academia.  

  1. Dawson, K., Antonenko, P., Lane, H., & Zhu, J. (2019). Assistive technologies to support students with dyslexia. Teaching exceptional children, 51(3), 226-239.
  2. Smith, C., & Hattingh, M. J. (2020, November). Assistive Technologies for Students with Dyslexia: A Systematic Literature Review. In International Conference on Innovative Technologies and Learning (pp. 504-513). Springer, Cham.
  3. Goldfus, C., & Gotesman, E. (2010). The impact of assistive technologies on the reading outcomes of college students with dyslexia. Educational Technology, 21- 25.
  4. Thapliyal, M., & Ahuja, N. J. (2021). Underpinning implications of instructional strategies on assistive technology for learning disabilities: a meta-synthesis review. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-9.
  5. El Kah, A., Zeroual, I., & Lakhouaja, A. (2021, June). An experimental study on the benefit of assistive technology for students with learning disabilities. In 2021 International Conference on Digital Age & Technological Advances for Sustainable Development (DATA) (pp. 102-108). IEEE.

Dawson et al. can provide an initial insight into the use of assertive technologies for dyslexic students. The paper is brief and can clarify how the intervention helps the students. Smith and Hattingh’s research will help in getting an overview of the literature and related findings (as it is a systemic review). Goldfus, & Gotesman’s research is old, but it is a great paper on evaluating the outcomes of assertive technologies. It can help me make the basis of my case study. The last two scholarly articles are also useful as they provide a broader view of the use of assertive technologies for students with learning disabilities. In addition, it will also help me understand the benefits of assertive technology in real life. 


For my case study paper, I will use multi-methodology. Mainly, it will be a qualitative research methodology.  

The first method is qualitative which will involve the review and analysis of the material on the intervention from the school. It will help me in understanding the intervention itself. The research is a sort of secondary data research methodology. “Secondary research or desk research is a research method that involves using already existing data. Existing data is summarized and collated to increase the overall effectiveness of research” (Sileyew, 2019). Secondary data methodology is proposed because it is easy to access and has a low cost. It allows for the generation of new insights from the previous analysis. Thus, it will help me in reviewing the data and analyzing it with comparison to the data in the literature and given policies. 

 The second methodology that will be used is conducting an interview. The interview will be with one of the staff members directly involved with the implementation of the assertive interventions. Proper notice and suggestions of time will be provided to the administration. After the selection, the interview could be conducted via audio or video call. The interview will help in collecting in-depth data. it will help in analyzing the impact and benefit of the intervention directly. Thus, it will help me better examine, understand and explain the application of assertive technologies. 

 Ethical considerations 

I have already requested to gain access to the intervention and some of the school reports. In addition, I might need to make an appointment with the support teacher for some discussion. 

My study is ethical. I will not be interfering or altering the initiative in any way. There will be no direct contact with the students or the teachers. I will only have access to the 9 intervention documents. There will be no disclosure of personal information in the study. Wherever there is a need for consent, it will be asked, and a signed document will be provided. The anonymity and authenticity of the data will be maintained. 

2022-08-05 14:26:00

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